Unplugged Televisions Couldn’t Find The Remote Control curated by Stove Jesus
Never did I wonder a day to plan the services of my father before a return I wondered why bother this isn’t my problem to solve haven’t seen family since I robbed them of my existence my god said remember this is bigger than heem get over ya scheme and dream the larger picture so figure a way there’s more at stake repass dinners people eating towards relation ships dwindling what I left behind it’s draining can’t complain is the saying writing has to become the patience should I run again that door damn sure ain’t answering I’m prancing sh*t its 11 am I’m searching to escape or after four years did I discover where home is is it where the deserts spin wind blows where no one knows I find solitude in being a ghost caspering pause exactly not matter of factly sorry for the non goodbyes this time I left with a cry grandma Carolina just ain’t my state of mine mind out west promise I won’t marry a kardashian my culture lives beyond the flesh of skin righteous kingdom for my ribs lord created Adam and eves then gave me Brooklyn and Harmoni’s faith will have it thanks for all the laughter sounding like spatulas guess it’s time to wrap this up till we meets again not forgetting these hours spent had to unplug the tv I forgot where the remote control went…..
Stove Jesus
Unplugged Televisions Couldn’t Find The Remote Control