5:50 Foresights curated by Stove Jesus
simplicity lays so when shoulders get chipped it wipe the devil away still beautiful as usual product of when stars struck no not celebrity tea china glasses in granny’s cabinets looked classic mama not having none had me wondering if she knew tap dancing Beethoven pianos pity pity sorrow drives unhappy tomorrows city sleeping with the door closed to block out what’s never coming call em celibate rebounders atleast counter complaints heem a saint smoking Reggie bushes to help knees replaced worshiping false gods writing post card messages all directed at a n*ggas one job protect the one who couldn’t himself now only him left to proceed after death of beings let go lord break soul ties that knotted butterfly stomachs shorty said it was the last time sh*t I did to I guess that’s fine shame is where hate can remain in rules of a game you ain’t create uno reverses skipping two may lead back to truth drawing for manifested the porch remain high stooping low is the best fan for the scorched…….
5:50 Foresights
Stove Jesus